

Rabu, November 09, 2011

Procedure text-how to make a blog

Artikel ini adalah salah satu tugas mata kuliah writing saya.

Nowadays the most effective way to share our thoughts and opinions is to create our own weblog a.k.a blog. But, how do we start our own blog? Fortunately, starting a blog site is an easy way. Creating a blog is very similar to creating a website. We just need to be aware of a couple of things when we create a blog. Here, I will explain how to create a blog using one of the most free blog-hostings. That is or blogspot.

The first step that you have to do is creating an email address. We need this because our email address will be used when we are registering account. It is also needed because our email address is our username when we are login.

Second, if you have made an email open this address, Then, click an orange button written ‘Get Started’. After that, complete the registration form like when we are making an email. We must fill the form which contains our identity. There are some forms that we must complete and in every end of the form we just need to click ‘continue button’ until the last form when we are requested for filling our blog title and our blog address like this example address, If we have had like that address, it indicates that we have had a blog.

After we have a blog, the last step is choosing template or theme for our blog. This makes our blog looks beautiful. Then, click the ‘continue button’ again and we can start blogging and the world is waiting your story.

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